'Siege at Bear River', is a glimpse in time of two brothers, one a major, the other a captain in the United States Cavalry in the year, 1868. The story embellishes the love and affection, as well as, the comradery, and hi-jinx they had for each other. Together, they faced a formidable enemy, The Shoshone, the Nez Perce, and the Hidatsa Indians in southeastern Washington State. Both men were assigned to Fort Reerdon with Colonel Karl E. Mathison as commanding officer. Major Roger Bailey, his Executive Officer.
Major Bailey was charged with the duty of meeting a twenty wagon, wagon train at Bear Creek Crossing on the Bear River. He, and his company was to guide, escort those wagons to Fort Reerdon under the protection of the U.S. Army. His second in command of that company, Captain Terry Bailey.
This is that account, and more. Follow the heroism, the actions, and the hi-jinx that shows the true nature of both brothers towards each other, and caused both brothers to also ask, 'What became of David?'