The book" Soul-Symmetry" is an overview of the Holistic Methodology of Self-Creation, presented by Dr. Ray in 5 + 3 books on Self-Resurrection, categorizing and systematizing five stages of self-growth: -Self-Awareness, Self-Monitoring, Self-Installation, Self- Realization, and Self-Salvation inconsequentially, physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and universal strata of life. The book empowers the readers to go with the flow of the Super Artificial Intelligence that is radically transforming our lives, demanding we change in sync with its exponential growth by developing a new set of time-relevant habits and skills.
Every page-long chunk of information of the scientifically verified text is structured by the paradigm Synthesis-Analysis - Synthesis to make it simple, digestible, personalized, and technologically friendly, comprising the Holistic Operational System of Self-Actualization.
The goal of the book is to inspire the readers with a clear-cut PLAN OF ACTION and instill in their minds the holistic vision of their rising self-consciousness, bring synchronicity into your living, and help them get self-inspired and self-transformed with the KNOW-HOW of the technologically enhanced self-creation installed. The self-educational process is provided with rhyming, psychologically charged inspirational boosters and mindsets that the readers are invited to upload into their smartphones to back up the process of Self-Acculturation and Self-Symmetry formation.
There is No System without the Structure!