Following his exploits in Revenge is Mine, our FBI informant is sent on a drug smuggling case. The plane crashes, but not before a Spanish galleon is seen under the sea. This leads to a treasure hunt situation, where rival gangs are warring, leading to the capture of the criminals, the first recorded hurricane, an underground city in Mexico, and the recovery of Francis Drake's and Blackbeard's hidden treasures.
Malcolm John Baker was born in Salisbury, England in 1945. He is, by trade, a chartered surveyor, now retired, and living in Florida. He has a son and daughter living in England with four grandchildren. Writing only came to him in recent years following many years of travel. He has always had an interest in people, and whilst all the books are fiction, they have links to current affairs and history. Many of his personal views are expressed in the books. It is up to the reader whether they agree or not.