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The Family Brewers of Britain (Protz, Roger)
The Family Brewers of Britain
Untertitel A celebration of British brewing heritage
Autor Protz, Roger
Verlag CAMRA Books
Sprache Englisch
Einband Fester Einband
Erscheinungsjahr 2020
Seiten 224 S.
Artikelnummer 33797511
ISBN 978-1-85249-359-2
CHF 43.50
Neuauflage/Nachdruck unbestimmt
A lavishly illustrated hardback book celebrating and examining the contribution to British brewing made by its family brewers. They are the often-overlooked flag bearers for real ale and have fascinating stories to tell of the early days of commercial brewing.

A lavishly illustrated hardback book celebrating and examining the contribution to British brewing made by its family brewers(IFBB - Independent Family Brewers of Britain). They are the often-overlooked flag bearers for real ale and have fascinating stories to tell of the early days of commercial brewing. Fully-illustrated, with modern and archive photography of the breweries, their pub estates, people and beers, this book will examine the past, the present and the future of these great brewing companies and help to highlight the important part they continue to play in the nation's brewing story and in their local areas.

ROGER PROTZ is a campaigner and broadcaster and the author of dozens of books about beer and brewing. He appears regularly in the media and was recently the subject of a BBC Radio 4 Food Show special. Roger has edited 24 editions of CAMRA's market-leading Good Beer Guide.