The Visible Ghost tells a tale of a scientist who has an accident inside his laboratory and dies. To his astonishment, and that of everyone else around him, he becomes a ghost who is visible for all to see with their eyes . . . all the time. He does not have the ability to become invisible. Another fascinating detail about him in his ghost form is that his appearance is 100 percent solid, like any living being around him. If someone were to stand next to him, they could have a conversation with him and not in any way ever suspect that he is, in fact, a ghost, because of how solid in form he appears to be. Being a scientist, this ghost is extremely intrigued, even in death, about being a ghost. He decides to investigate and document everything possible about being a ghost for others to understand before he disappears . . . which can be at any moment. At the very least, he has proven to the world that ghosts do, in fact, exist.