This book is a compendium of facts relating to the Commonwealth Games since its inception in 1930 with an indication of how it all began. It is particularly focussed on Wales tracing its history and the achievements of its athletes in the 20th Century.
The book of 600 pages is written in the Welsh language, but the large and comprehensive index makes easy access to all the facts. Together with this there is also a short vocabulary included as an aid to certain words of a technical nature which may not be readily available in some dictionaries. The author has a vast experience in Commonwealth sport having attended 12 Commonwealth Games in various guises ranging from athlete, coach, General Team Manager to Vice President of the Commonwealth Games Federation. Within this period of time it gives an anthology of medallists at all Commonwealth Games together with a list of Commonwealth Federation officials since its auspicious beginning.
It lists all those who have represented Wales at the first 16 Commonwealth Games in that period. The book is unique in that it gives a detailed inventory of sports representatives who have attended the Executive Committee meetings in that time span and who have guided the work of the Commonwealth Games Council for Wales throughout the Century. The book is aimed at the student of sport. It is a catalogue of Commonwealth Games achievements, invaluable to the connoisseur of sport, and an ideal reference book which would enhance any sporting library.