After surviving the unbridled power of the mysterious and deadly Black Hole, humanity now focusses on establishing a new home on a planet named after the heroic crew of the starship Sanacion. However, for this crew, colonizing a new planet would prove to be easier said than done. With the civilian uprisings and bloodshed now in the past, mission leader, Colonel Steve Jensen, hopes that Sanacion will allow mankind to finally focus on the greatest of all human emotions-love. But, the planet Sanacion holds mysteries of its own. A small scientific outpost with a contingency of both soldiers and scientists is soon set up to investigate the planet and identify the landscape for any useful resources. Long thought to be uninhabited, the crew is shocked when they encounter a unique set of footprints, uncovering evidence of earth-shattering proportions...proof of alien life. For several crewmembers, uncovering another life-form is a scientific find of enormous significance-for others, though, fear of the unknown reveals a distrust that may not be so easily dealt with. Now, Colonel Jensen and his romantic interest, Lenora, along with the scientific crew and the fearfully distrusting Civilian Leader, must seek out and identify the maker of the prints. What they discover, though, may be more than any of them can bear. Their collaboration has brought about the discovery of a creature, and they are fascinated by its apparent intelligence. Jensen makes an attempt to communicate with the captive and is met with an encouraging response. But it appears the scientists have something else in mind...terminate the creature and perform an autopsy to identify its strengths and weaknesses. As Colonel Jensen rushes to save the alien's life, a civilian dies. Now blamed with the murder of a crew member, Jensen must escape the confines of the outpost and seek answers where he would least expect to find them...from the alien source itself.